Apple Execs on Facebook (2011)
Hacker News
JUNE 11, 2023
On Jul 11, 2011, at 8:03 PM, Steve Jobs wrote: I agree - if we eliminate Fecebooks third proposal it sounds reasonable.
Hacker News
JUNE 11, 2023
On Jul 11, 2011, at 8:03 PM, Steve Jobs wrote: I agree - if we eliminate Fecebooks third proposal it sounds reasonable.
Hacker News
JULY 30, 2024
All the mental energy you waste complaining would be far better used trying to find the one, seemingly impossible way out of your current mess.
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Hacker News
OCTOBER 1, 2024
Archive of 1939-2011 Radio Shack Catalogs of electronics, computers and technology. Flip-through every page of these Radio Shack catalogs that included stereos, speakers, CB radios, tube radios, computers, communication equipment, electronic test equipment & gadgets. pdf catalogs catalogues
Analytics Vidhya
SEPTEMBER 22, 2023
Introduction In 2011, a special robot called Baxter joined factory teams. It stood six feet tall, weighing 300 pounds, with two handy arms and expressive digital eyes. What made Baxter unique was that it could work alongside humans, thanks to cognitive computing. This AI approach copied how humans think and learn.
Analytics Vidhya
JULY 22, 2022
BigQuery was first launched as a service in 2010, with general availability in November 2011. This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction Google’s BigQuery is an enterprise-grade cloud-native data warehouse.
Analytics Vidhya
MARCH 10, 2023
It was made on LinkedIn and shared with the public in 2011. Introduction Apache Kafka is a framework for dealing with many real-time data streams in a way that is spread out.
Hacker News
JULY 19, 2023
David Bobbitt, Wesleyan College Enculturation: [link] (Published: December 30, 2011) “After three thousand years of explosion, by means of fragmentary and mechanical technologies, the Western world is imploding” (McLuhan 3).1 1 With these words on the first page of Understanding Media published in 1964, Marshall McLuhan burst onto the
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