How to beat the CAP theorem (2011)
Hacker News
The CAP theorem states a database cannot guarantee consistency, availability, and partition-tolera.
Hacker News
The CAP theorem states a database cannot guarantee consistency, availability, and partition-tolera.
Hacker News
OCTOBER 2, 2024
How do people's names differ around the world, and what are the implications of those differences on the design of forms, databases, ontologies, etc. for the Web?
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Towards AI
APRIL 22, 2024
Items in your shopping carts, comments on all your posts, and changing scores in a video game are examples of information stored somewhere in a database. Which begs the question what is a database? Types of Databases: There are many different types of databases. The tables store data in the form of rows and columns.
Hacker News
SEPTEMBER 22, 2024
Here you have a number of nodes in a cluster of databases, or in a cluster of web caches. The simplicity of consistent hashing is pretty mind-blowing. How do you figure out where the data for a particular key goes in that cluster?
Hacker News
JULY 12, 2023
In this view a theory is scientific if it can be used to build a data compression program, and it is valuable if it can compress a standard benchmark database to a small size, taking into account the length of the compressor itself. This methodology therefore includes an Occam principle as well as a solution to the problem of demarcation.
OCTOBER 19, 2023
Casio, a name synonymous with electronic excellence, found itself amid a cybersecurity storm when the company detected a database failure within its revered ClassPad education platform. However, it is important to note that Casio did not store credit card information within the compromised database, mitigating some of the potential damage.
MAY 2, 2023
A blockchain is in essence a large database, decentralized among many users. Since 2011, national math test scores from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, fell by 17 points for eighth graders and 10 points for fourth graders in data analysis, statistics and probability.
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